ELN Recommendations 2020

Nov 1, 2021

The therapeutic landscape of CML has profoundly changed over the past 7 years so the European Leukemia Net convened an expert panel to critically evaluate the current evidence and update its previous recommendations.

The new “European LeukemiaNet 2020 recommendations for treating chronic myeloid leukemia” were published in March 2020 in the prestigious journal Leukemia.

In order to improve the information available to patients and support them to access these guidelines, we have developed once more a patient-friendly summary of recommendations for CML management based on the ELN Recommendations 2020.

It is made available at this stage in 20 languages and more are coming. We are welcome to initiate community translations by member organisations of CML Advocates Network under the provision that members have them co-validated by a local CML specialist with whom the member organisation regularly works. If you would like to help us making the summary available in your language, please, contact us at info@cmladvocates.net.

This is a result of a genuinely patient-led project and aims to help patients to better understand CML management and communicate with their doctors on treatment and diagnostics.

Download the Patient-friendly Summary of the ELN 2020 CML Treatment Recommendations

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