The animated stories bring to life the emotional impact of CML on patients and their friends and family, in addition to their future hopes and aspirations. The videos were developed with support from Novartis Oncology.
The following videos and languages are currently available:
- Living with CML: David´s story of courage and hope (English)
- Living with CML: Bert´s story of courage and hope (English)
- Living with CML: Mina´s story of courage and hope (French)
- Living with CML: Mina´s story of courage and hope (English)
- Living with CML: Carin´s story of courage and hope (English)
- Living with CML: Carin´s story of courage and hope (Swedish)
- Living with CML: Michelly´s story of courage and hope (English)
- Living with CML: Michelly´s story of courage and hope (Portuguese)
You may also be interested in the following video called “Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Journey” and published by Novartis Oncology as part of their “What if? What now?” campaign: