CML Horizons 2020

Due to events beyond our control and with sad regret we have changed the location of this year’s Horizons. Even though location has been changed to Lisbon, Portugal this does not take away from why we had chosen Nairobi as our original destination and that is to honour our dearly departed Ferdinand Micho who was a leader in the fight of CML in Africa and the Middle East but also for the challenges that CML patients face in low and middle-income countries in access to treatment and monitoring.

The CML Horizons conference is dedicated to the development of our members as patient advocates and deals with topics such as: – What is the goal of CML Treatment? Improving access, Key initiatives in CML treatment & advocacy and Living with CML and the future outlook. Dealing with these types of questions is the essence of Learn. Share & Grow and our conference offers the opportunity to support and facilitate the quality of education. This one of a kind conference also provides opportunities to be able to exchange ideas, interact & share best practice and provide a platform to start networking across borders, build alliances and so much more for you to bring back to your own organization.
We very much hope that you will be able to attend the 17th conference of its kind – with an exciting program on CML advocacy and CML science.
Our conference will provide you with knowledge on how to make a difference to the lives of patients, identify opportunities in patient support & advocacy and learn from the experts – both patient advocates and physicians by networking opportunities with CML advocacy leaders around the globe.