Member’s description

“APSBES”( Association pour la Promotion de la Santé et du Bien – Etre Social) is a non-profit, humanitarian, and philanthropic community- focused Non-Government Organization (NGO) called in English: Association for the Promotion of Health and Social Well- Being based in Lomé Togo (West Africa). We promote the health and the socio-economic development of deprived populations thereby alleviating the suffering through high participatory development ventures. APSBE’s vision is that of “a world where every individual access the chance to fully realize his life potential with dignity”. Its mission is to achieve lasting improvements in the quality of life of deprived people particularly children and women in developing countries through an empowering process. To this end, a group of people supporting (CML) patients called “APSBES / DILIGENCE GROUP” was created within the organization on the initiative of the Executive Director Mr. Thomas Mensah Vovo coordinator of the solidarity group activities which has a specific mission for CML patients. Our organization leading partner in the West African sub-region is “Global Health Initiative” (GHI) with whom we use the same site

Organizational objectives and key programs

Our main goal is to strive for the protection of the health of the population for sustainable human development. especially CML patients. For this purpose, we organize awareness campaigns on cancer in general through several rounds of talks discussions. Training of peer educators on various cancer risk as smoking, alcohol consumption, obesity, and the need to vaccinate girls against human papillomavirus that causes cervical cancer. We organize campaign consultation freely to women for early detection of breast cancer and education sessions for girls on the risk of early sexual activity.

Contact Address

339, AGB rue Patrice Lumumba
Agbalepedo 05BP1098

Key Contacts

Mensah Vovo Thomas AWANYO
Exécutif Directeur
Kwami Dodji AMUZU


No. of members

- 101