Brasil: Associação Brasileira de Linfoma e Leucemia, “ABRALE”

Member’s description

ABRALE is a non-profit organization, with national coverage, created in 2002 by patients and their families with the mission of offering help and mobilizing partners so that everyone with cancer and blood diseases have access to the best treatment.

Audience/Constituency: Patients, families and friends, doctors, healthcare professionals, associations and institutions, private sector,
medical societies, public agency representatives, students, journalists and the media.

Organizational objectives and key programs

Key Programs [Patient Services]: A multidisciplinary team offers support and guidance to patients in Brazil clarifying doubts about cancer and treatments, offering medical, psychological, legal and nutritional assistance, in order to achieve greater adherence to treatment and maximize chances of remission.
• Key Programs [Public Policies]: Through advocacy and social control, Abrale influences public policies to improve comprehensive care for patients with cancer. It acts on public health councils and responsible agencies, seeking equitable access to healthcare, timely diagnosis and adequate treatment.
• Key Programs [Education and Information]: We use different channels and formats to provide patients with quality information to address diagnosis, treatment, quality of life and other important themes through social networks, website, webinars, booklets, magazines, awareness campaigns and events. With the online education project, Onco Ensino, we also offer training to health professionals, including physicians.
• Key Programs [Research and Monitoring]: We carry out surveys with patients, health professionals and physicians to bring real world evidence and understand the oncology scenario in Brazil, contributing to better decision-making. In addition, the Oncology Observatory, an online and dynamic public data platform, enables the monitoring and evaluation of health policies and their application in society.

Contact Address

Rua Dr. Fernandes Coelho, 64 - 13th floor
Pinheiros, São Paulo - SP
+55 11 3149-5190

Key Contacts

Catherine Moura
+55 11 3149-5190
+55 11 91307-1174
Nyara Romeiro
+55 11 3149-5190
+55 11 95861-5097


Board of Directors

- 6

Year of establishment

- 2002

CMLAN member since

- 2013

No. of members

- 65