Egypt: CanSurvive
Member’s description
CanSurvive is one of Egypt’s leading groups for cancer patients and survivors. As treatments improve, more people are living with cancer, yet patients and those who care about them face many challenges. We hope to be a source of support and inspiration for all those whose lives are affected by cancer. We want to be there to help alleviate some of the physical and emotional stress associated with cancer. CanSurvive is registered as a non-profit non-government organization with the Ministry of Social Affairs.
Organizational objectives and key programs
Power of CML objectives are:
1. Highlight CML patients problems in Egypt regarding:
- a. Accessibility to medications.
- b. Accessibility to proper educational material & palliative care information.
- c. Cancer Stigma problems.
- d. Lack of information about new drugs & treatment.
2. Proposing solutions to the above problems to address the public & government.
3. Finding the psychological support to CML patient inside the group
Contact Address
11 Mahgoub Thabit
Agouza, Cairo

Key Contacts
No. of members