Nigeria: Maxcare Foundation Nigeria

Member’s description
MaxCare Nigeria is a CML support and advocacy group formed by patients who have CML and GIST in Nigeria. Our main goal is to provide support (emotional and health advice) for patients living with CML. Our group was formed in March 2011 and obtained legal registration in June 2014. Currently, we access Glivec and other 2nd/3rd generation Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors (TKIs) FREE from the generous donations of Pharma companies led by Novartis through the Max Access Solutions (MAS) of The Max Foundation. All patients access these drugs from the coordinating facility located at the GIPAP center in the Department of Haematology and Immunology, Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals Complex (OAUTHC), Ile-Ife, Osun State.
The target audience is CML and GIST patients and their caregivers.
Ways of communication with constituency
Bi-annual meetings in March and September every year.
Also engage through social media chat groups (WhatsApp & Telegram), Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
Organizational objectives and key programs
Our organizational objectives are:
- Provide useful information on the disease to reduce anxiety, shame, stigma, and fear of isolation;
- Provide peer support to newly diagnosed and existing patients;
- Advocate for the rights and welfare of members by linking patients to the best treatment available;
- Solicit support from Government to the challenges faced by CML patients in accessing therapy.
Our key programs are:
- Organize patient-centric initiatives aimed at empowering patients and caregivers about the disease.
- Development of a patient information booklet to keep patients informed and this is regularly updated.
- Participate in capacity-building training and initiatives eg. CML Horizons, Awareness campaigns eg World CML Day, etc.
Contact Address
Ile- Ife
Osun State 220001

Key Contacts

Board of Directors
Year of establishment
CMLAN member since
No. of members