Russia: Sodeystvie (Assistance)

Member’s description
RSH «SODEJSTVIE» was established on the initiative of patients, their families and experts to solve the problems of patients with oncological and oncohematological diseases. Today RSH «SODEJSTVIE» has regional offices in 70 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
RSH «SODEJSTVIE» acts as a single representative of a group of patients in government structures, and also actively works to inform patients, specialists and the general public about oncological and oncohematological diseases, treatment features, ways to overcome the difficulties of everyday life with a diagnosis of oncohematology.
Patients with oncological and oncohematological diseases, members of their families, representatives of the medical community, volunteers.
Ways of communication with constituency
Patient schools, webinars, patient forum, conferences, seminars, email, telephony, social media.
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Organizational objectives and key programs
Our organizational objectives are:
- Assistance to patients with oncological and oncohematological diseases in the exercise of the right to treatment and modern diagnostics.
- Legal assistance to patients.
- Communication with the professional medical community.
- Communication with representatives of executive and legislative authorities.
Our key programs are:
- Educational project “Regional schools for patients with oncological and oncohematological diseases.
- Conducting round tables discussion with the involvement of representatives of the executive and legislative authorities, chief hematologists and oncologists of the region, representatives of various patient organizations operating in the territory of the region of the Russian Federation.
- The annual All-Russian Forum of Patients with oncohematological diseases “New Horizons”.
- Information support for updating hematology oncology (publication of educational and special literature for patients and specialists).
- Program “Legal literacy of the patient”.
Contact Address

Key Contacts

Board of Directors
Year of establishment
CMLAN member since
No. of members