UK: CML Support
Member’s description
Originally established in 1999 by two patients diagnosed with PH+ CML, the website was launched in April 2000 in order to reach a wider community of patients diagnosed with CML in order to provide support, advice and up-to-date information about the disease and its treatment options. We are the UK’s only charity with an exclusive focus on people diagnosed with Ph+ Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia and run by patients on a voluntary basis.
Part of our support is on the psycho/social issues of the patient experience, a provision that is often lacking given the requirement for health professionals to address the complex clinical aspects of CML. We, therefore, see our role as an essential supplement to good professional health care.
Organizational objectives and key programs
Our organizational objectives are:
- Patient support
- HTA participation
Key Contacts
Board of Directors
Year of establishment
CMLAN member since
No. of members