CML Advocacy: Learn. Share. Grow.
17 – 19 May 2019, Lisbon, Portugal

The 17th International CML Horizons Conference was held in Lisbon, Portugal from the 17th to 19th May 2019

This year we greeted a record 119 participants and welcomed 22 newcomers who all support the CML Community worldwide with a very active engagement in Social Media by sharing, making comments and networking in Facebook, Twitter and Instagram during the meeting.

Hundreds of posts on the Facebook Pages of the CML patient advocates and groups were informing thousands of people worldwide and more than 300 Tweets using the hashtag #CMLHZ19 got a large impact on the online CML community with more than 11.000 impressions on this social media channel.

Our participants were given the opportunity to hear from 21 speakers from both medical and patient advocate specialists.

In addition to the expert presentations from our acclaimed speakers our participants once again through the interactive regional workshops collectively played a role in strengthening the regions.

The conference also offers cross border networking where delegates were able to share best practices, interact and exchange ideas.

The poster session has become extremely popular and 21 advocates showcased their organisations’ activities.

Read more to access to the Presentations, Video Streams and Photo Gallery of the CML Horizons 2019 Conference.

hroughout the years the conference has gained huge vitality and intensity of the global CML Community: moving and encouraging posters, communal regional workshops and remarkable and significant presentations from renowned medical and advocate specialists.

The meeting doesn’t just give us simply medicinal understanding and advocacy training- we feel that consistently, the meeting has developed a phenomenal network crossing oceans and seas and reaching all continents around the globe to improve the life of patients and enable new and existing patient groups and has transformed into a unique multi-cultural family.

CML Horizons is a wholly community-run and multi-sponsored the conference, which has evolved from the “New Horizons” conferences 2002-2011. The annual conference is run by the CML Advocates Network, hosted by the non-profit, Swiss-based and patient-driven “Leukemia Patient Advocates Foundation”.

Presentations, Video streams and Photo Gallery are available now!
To view all the presentations just Click on “PDF”. Should you wish to translate the selected presentation, please contact us by email at the following and request for the PowerPoint file. This will make it easier for you to translate the presentation into the language of your choice.

Please take note that the speakers have authorized CML Advocates Network to disburse the presentations in PDF format only on this site, however, it isn’t permitted to transfer the PDF files elsewhere! If you would like to share the slides, kindly do this by connecting to this page or the documents on this site!

To view individual sessions, click on “Video Webstream”

Horizons 2019: Learn. Share. Grow.
17 to 19 May 2019, Lisbon – Portugal

– CML Steering Committee 2017-2019 –

The programme was governed by a global steering committee consisting of CML patient advocates from North America, Latin America, Asia and Pacific, Western Europe, Central and Eastern Europe & West Asia, Middle East and Africa. Thank you so much to all of you for your fantastic work these years to get a very successful CML Horizons 2019!

  • Giora Sharf (Israel, co-founder of the CML Advocates Network)
  • Jan Geissler (Germany, co-founder of the CML Advocates Network)
  • Jana Pelouchová (Czech Republic, co-founder of the CML Advocates Network)
  • Gail Sperling (the USA, region North America)
  • Bahija Gouimi (Morocco, region Africa & Middle East)
  • Zack Pemberton-Whiteley (the United Kingdom, region Western Europe)
  • Sarunas Narbutas (Lithuania, region Central and Eastern Europe & West Asia)
  • Mercedes Arteaga (Argentina, the region of Latin America)
  • Rod Padua (the Philippines, region Asia-Pacific)

– Sponsorship Acknowledgement –

We would like to thank the following organisations for providing unconditional educational funding. Without their support, this conference would not be possible:

  • Novartis Oncology (Initiating Platinum Sponsor)
  • Bristol-Myers Squibb (Gold Sponsor)
  • Pfizer Oncology (Gold Sponsor)
  • Incyte (Gold Sponsor)
  • Takeda (Silver Spponsor)
  • The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (Bronze Sponsor)
  • International CML Foundation (Bronze Sponsor)