Venezuela: FUNDALMC – Fundación para la Asistencia al Paciente con Leucemia Mieloide Crónica

Member’s description
The Foundation is fully set up by patients running a Board of Directors, supporting fellow CML patients to cope with their health condition in a dignified way.
Organizational objectives and key programs
Our organizational objectives are:
- We want to be a Foundation recognized for the impact of our actions on the well-being and development of patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia.
- We support each CML patient to enter the Foundation, to receive the appropriate orientation to obtain the medication and psychological orientation.
Contact Address
"Calle lópez aveledo c/c Res. Venaragua torre 1 apto 1-c
Al lado del Santuario Madre María"
Aragua 2101
Al lado del Santuario Madre María"
Aragua 2101

Key Contacts
Nelson Enrique Brown
International Advisor

Yurubi Minella López

Board of Directors
- 8
Year of establishment
- 2019
CMLAN member since
- 2020
No. of members
- 101 - 250