Member’s description

ELGEKA Indonesia conducted a meeting to establish a Community with the purpose of establishing a community to raise awareness and develop knowledge on CML and GIST for Patients, Doctors, and Caregivers across Indonesia, as well as establishing a repour and collaboration with Government institutions, Private Sectors institutions, National and International medical communities, as stated in the Minutes of Meeting dated 15 June 2006 and drawn up by virtue of the Indonesian CML and GIST Community Establishment Deed No. 23 dated 24 March 2009 by Notary Irma Bonita, SH.
ELGEKA Indonesia is legally established entity having its domicile in Hanis & Hanis Advocates – Lippo Thamrin 3rd Floor, Jl. M H Thamrin Kav 20, Central Jakarta 10350, Indonesia. ELGEKA Indonesia to date has members of 1,500 patients and caregivers across Indonesia with regional representatives from 15 regions

Organizational objectives and key programs

1. Raise awareness and develop knowledge on CML and GIST for Patients, Doctors, and Caregivers across Indonesia
2. Establishing and collaboration with Government institutions, Private Sectors institutions, National and International medical communities
3. Provided WhatsApp Group to every Regional Elgeka in Indonesia
4. Regular off-line meeting with Elgeka members each regional to share their thought and experiences every 3-4 month or minimum twice a year
5. Annual ELGEKA Indonesia national meeting with participant all Indonesia members or representative of each region
6. Seminar or forum discussion with physician – Consultant Hematology Medical Oncology as keynote speaker
7. Collaboration with some Laboratories and National Cancer Dharmais Hospital to reach a lower cost of BCRABL Quantitative assessment to make every patient able to check regularly at least 1x per year
8. Currently only 2 lines of tyrosine kinase inhibitor provided by The Indonesian National Health Insurance System (BPJS Kesehatan): Imatinib and Nilotinib. We hope more medications will be provided to treat CML patient in Indonesia by BPJS Kesehatan insurance

Contact Address

Hanis & Hanis Advocates – Lippo Thamrin 3rd Floor, Jl M H Thamrin Kav 20 Jakarta 10350 – Indonesia

Key Contacts

Dr. Mahirudin
Linda Sitorus


Board of Directors

- 13

Year of establishment

- 2009

CMLAN member since

- 2015

No. of members

- 1500+