France: LMC France

Member’s description
LMC France aims to develop, by all means, all actions related to chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). We work for the improvement of the lives of people living with CML, and for the reduced suffering of patients. We work to improve both the management of the CML and the quality of life of patients.
Organizational objectives and key programs
The patients and their relatives.
Ways of communication with constituency:
Website, social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube), in-person patient meetings, online courses…
Organizational objectives and key programs:
Our organizational objectives are:
- LMC France aims to bring together patients and families to assist them in their fight against the disease through research, information and support events.
Our key programs are:
- Support of patients through the provision of digital tools (E-University, TV channel, exchange by video…)
- Support of patients through the creation of innovative and educational tools (interview of experts, provision of books and forms…)
Contact Address
Rés. Lycée Est - Bt. 2 E4 66,
Ch. de la Valbarelle,
13010, Marseille
Ch. de la Valbarelle,
13010, Marseille

Board of Directors
- 8
Year of establishment
- 2010
CMLAN member since
- 2010
No. of members
- 2500